
Hi, I am Juan Carlos Monreal Romero.


I am a software developer with problem solving skills and experience in creating and designing software in a test-driven environment. I have the ability to work under pressure. Passion for learning. Interested in Web development, as well as Artificial Intelligence and its applications.


Image Segmentation

A mobile application that allows the end user to take a picture with his device, this picture will be processed by means of the K-Means clustering algorithm and then the segmented image will be returned, offering also the possibility to store it in the device.

  • Java
  • Android
  • K-Means

Mass Mailing Tool

Tool that allows the massive sending of dynamic e-mails from an e-mail account of the Polytechnic University of Victoria. Allows you to enter information through an Excel sheet that allows you to use N variables for use within the mailing.

  • Java
  • JavaFX
  • API
  • Maven

Web System for Banquet Management

System that allows inventory management, user management and banquet reservation management, allowing to reserve dates for events, along with the assignment of dishes.

  • Laravel 8
  • Bootstrap 5
  • HTML
  • Git

Web System for the Management of Internal Information of a Company

System that manages the internal information of a company focused on IT solutions. Employees management, users management, departments management, comments and questions section, announcements and events management, projects management with tasks assignment to Employees.

  • Laravel 8
  • Bootstrap 5
  • HTML
  • Git



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